Our Brands
Alphabetical Brand Listing
We have compiled a list of all the brands we carry in our store for your convenience. Happy shopping!
- 1897 Schoolhouse Samplers
- Abby Rose Designs
- Ackfeld Manufacturing
- Aine
- Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks (AAN)
- All Through The Night
- Allary Corporation
- Alma Lynne Originals
- Amy Bruecken Designs
- Anabella's
- Annalee Waite Designs
- Annie Beez Folk Art
- Annie's®
- Apple Harvest Designs
- Ardith Design
- Artful Offerings™
- Aunt Martha's®
- AuryTM
- Barbara Ana Designs
- Bent Creek
- Blackberry Lane Designs
- Blackbird Designs
- Blueberry Ridge Design
- Bohin France
- Bothy Threads
- Boye
- Brittercup Designs
- Bucilla®
- By The Bay Needleart
- Caron®
- Carriage House Samplings
- Charles Craft
- Cherry Hill Designs
- Chessie & Me
- Classic Colorworks
- Clover
- CM Designs
- Colonial Needle Company
- Colorbok
- Cosford Rise Stitchery
- Cottage Garden Samplings®
- Cotton Ginnys™
- Cotton Pixels
- Couleur d'Etoile
- Country Cottage Needleworks
- Courtney Collection
- Crafty Bluebonnet Designs
- Cross Stitch Antiques
- Cross-Eyed Cricket
- Crossed Hearts Needlework & Design
- Darling & Whimsy Designs
- DMC®
- Dritz®
- Fabric Flair
- Fairy Wool in the Wood
- Finally A Farmgirl
- Fox and Rabbit Designs
- From the Heart NeedleArt
- Grabbit® Sewing Tools
- Hands Across the Sea Samplers
- Hands On Design
- Handy Hands, Inc.
- Happiness Is Heartmade
- Havel's
- Heart In Hand Needleart
- Heartstring Samplery
- Heaven and Earth Designs
- Hello From Liz Mathews
- Heritage Crafts
- Hinzeit
- Homespun Elegance
- Imaginating
- Ink Circles
- It's Sew Emma
- Jack Dempsey Needle Art
- Jan Hicks Creates!
- Janlynn
- JBW Designs
- Jeannette Douglas Designs
- John James
- Kathy Barrick
- La-D-Da
- Lacis
- Ladybug Stitches
- Les Petites Croix de Lucie
- Lila's Studio
- Lilipoints
- Little House Needleworks
- Little Robin Designs
- Little Stitch Girl
- Lizzie Kate
- Lucy Beam
- Luhu Stitches
- Madame Chantilly
- Mani di Donna
- Merejka
- Mighty Bright®
- Mill Hill®
- Mindful Needle
- Mojo Stitches
- Monticello Stitches
- MTV Designs
- My Big Toe Designs™
- Needle Bling Designs
- October House Fiber Arts
- Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
- Pearl Louise Designs™
- Permin of Copenhagen
- Petal Pusher
- Pickle Barrel Designs
- Piecemakers
- Plum Street Samplers
- Praiseworthy Stitches
- Primrose Cottage Stitches
- Prym
- Puntini Puntini
- Q-Snap
- Quaint Rose Needle Arts
- Queenstown Sampler Designs
- Rebel Stitcher Designs
- Riverdrift House
- Robin Pickens
- Romy's Creations
- Rosewood Manor
- Running With Needles & Scissors
- Salty Stitcher Designs
- SamBrie Stitches Designs
- Scattered Seed Samplers
- ScissorTail Designs
- Serenità di campagna
- Sew Mate
- Shakespeare's Peddler
- Shepherd's Bush Printworks
- Silver Creek Samplers
- Singer®
- Stacy Nash Designs
- Stitcher's Revolution®
- Stitches By Ethel
- Stitchy Prose
- Stoney Creek Collection
- Sublime Stitching® LLC
- Sue Hillis Designs
- Sugar Maple Designs/Southern Stitchers Co
- Sullivans USA
- Summer House Stitche Workes
- SunsOut™
- Susan Bates
- Susie C Shore Designs™
- Sweet Wing Studio
- Tapestry Barn
- The Artsy Housewife
- The Blue Flower
- The Crochet Lite™
- The Gentle Art
- The Needle's Notion
- The Prairie Schooler
- The Proper Stitcher
- The Stitchworks
- The Sweetheart Tree
- The Trilogy
- Thea Gouverneur
- Thistles
- Three Sheep Studio
- Tiny Modernist
- Twin Peak Primitives
- Val's Stuff
- Vervaco
- Victorian Rose Needlearts
- ViviLux®
- Waxing Moon Designs
- Weeks Dye Works™
- Wichelt Imports, Inc.
- Wildflower Stitching LLC
- With My Needle
- Works By ABC
- Yarn Tree
- Zweigart